

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

sweaty piggies.

This is how Baby C falls asleep every night:

We have to leave his piggies out because they get so sweaty and he kicks the whole blanket off! He is getting so big in the swing that his feet are practically hanging out. I don't know what we will do when he finally outgrows it! 

Oh and I just caught Rocky with the ostrich. I guess he sees how much fun Baby C has with it and wants to play too.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

4 month checkup.

Baby C had his 4 month check up today!! He is:

Weight: 16 lbs 15 oz
Length: 25 1/2 inches

He's in the 80th percentile so he's a big boy! He also had to get two shots and he screamed his head off, poor little boy. He napped on the way home and had some nanas for a treat and now is kicking his feet in his bouncer and watching cartoons with his ostrich.

Monday, August 29, 2011

big week for Baby C.

Baby C spent his first night away from us while me and Mr went out with friends. He did really good, but we missed him. I made Mr go get him at 8 am the next morning and we were so excited to see him! He's such a big boy now!

Today, Baby C rolled over tummy to back!! And of course when we got the camera out, he wouldn't do it again, hopefully he'll do it again tomorrow.

Also, this little guy was outside our door...

Friday, August 26, 2011


I bought Baby C a new toy and he LOVES it! He chews on its head and butt and his eyes light up when he sees it. It's just a silly ostrich, I have no idea why he likes it so much. Here he is enjoying it...

This will probably last a couple more weeks then he won't care about it anymore.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

first night in the crib.

We decided, since Baby C isn't sleeping well anyway, we'd start putting him in the crib and maybe by the time he grows out of the wakeful period, he'll sleep through the night in his crib, we'll see if it actually works.

This is how he started off the night. I wish I would have taken pics because the first time he woke up he was sideways. I fed him, put him back the right way and went to bed. The next time Mr got up with him he was completely upside down. He doesn't move around that much when he's in bed with me. Apparently when he has his own bed and the freedom, he moves around a whole lot. I kind of want to put a video camera in there but I'm scared I'll capture ghosts too.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

happy party day!

Today is Mr's Birthday!

Even though the cake looks like a pile of dog crap it was really good!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I believe we have entered the 4 month wakeful phase...right when he was starting to sleep most of the night, of course!! I'm exhausted from him waking so often and taking longer to get back to sleep, but I'm enjoying the cuddling. I was missing how we could cuddle all day when he was a newborn. Now I am just enjoying my time rocking him to sleep in the middle of the night, just the two of us, even if it means I'm a zombie the next day.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

family feet.

I saw a picture somewhere online of feet. Family feet. I've been wanting to take one for a while. It was hard to do with Baby C moving his feet around all over and putting the camera on a timer, but here is the best shot:

Maybe in a few years their will be another set of feet in there and we will be complete!

I then decided to have a photo shoot...

Oh these eyes...I have a feeling they will be used to often to get whatever he wants out of me...

Also, Baby C found his feet today!! Here are photos of his discovery:

I am so excited about this! He kept trying to reach them with his mouth haha. This was the highlight of my day.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

wanna be like daddy.

We went to Toys 'R' Us today and look what Mr found...we had to get a pic of Baby C in it.

We would love to get it for him for his birthday but its like a million dollars so we found this instead.

The lights light up and it has a speaker and a siren, so he can be just like daddy! I can't wait until we get it and he can play in it!

Monday, August 15, 2011

i like to eat eat eat.

We gave Baby C rice cereal for the first time tonight. A little early but he seemed ready. He loved it! By the end he was kicking his feet and very impatient for more more more!

Rocky was also interested in the cereal and licked the bowl when Baby C was done.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

pop up piggies.

The other night Mr and I were laying in bed talking and laughing. Baby C was asleep in his bassinet. All of a sudden we hear grunting, which means he's waking up. Then out of no where his feet shoot out of his blanket and straight up into the air. So all we can see is feet sticking up from his bassinet. Then they would go back down, and right when we thought he was back to sleep, up they popped again. We were laughing our heads off watching his little feet pop up and wiggle around in the air then slowly go back down, only to pop back up seconds later! Maybe we were tired, it was about 1 a.m., but we hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. We're going to miss him sleeping in our room when he gets too big for the bassinet, which he almost is now.

I didn't have a camera to take a picture of this piggy pop up phenomenon, so I attempted to draw it in PhotoShop. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

Apparently we don't use pillows, we just prop our heads up against the headboard, it's really comfortable. And yes Mr does have a large 6 toed foot for a hand, problem?

Maybe I'll bring a camera to bed from now on in an attempt to capture the elusive piggy popper in action.

Rocky does dishes.

No matter how many times we tell Rocky DOWN when he's in the kitchen getting in the sink, he still does it. Part of the problem may be because we can't help but laugh when he does this:

He'll be licking dishes, one of us will yell ROCKY DOWN! Then up pops his head. He looks like he is in there doing dishes! Now if only we could teach him to use soap and a sponge instead of spit and his tongue!

the months fly by.

I can't believe how fast the months have gone. Baby C is 3 months old, well almost 4 now. Look how he's grown!!

I love him so much, I want to hug him and squish him forever and ever!!

Baby C is always laughing and smiling now, he loves to suck on his hands and he is drooling like crazy. His feet are always sweaty as usual. The back of his head is going a little bald in some spots and in his bassinet where his head lays there are always little curly hairs. Me and Mr call them his little squigglies. There is also usually a sweat spot from his head on the sheet too. I don't understand why he is so sweaty!

I taught him to stick out his tongue and he has mastered the art of spit bubbles. He also has started doing this high pitched squeal when he is really excited, and of course whenever I get the video camera out he acts like he has never made a noise in his life.

Baby C will be 4 months in about a week. I'm so excited to see all the new things he will do as he grows, but I tear up when I think about how fast its going. Even though I want to punch whoever tells me for the millionth time to enjoy him because he'll grow so fast, it really is true. Some days (the hard days) I can't wait for him to get a little older, but most days I wish he'd stay exactly how he is right now. There is no better feeling in the world than when that little boy looks right into my eyes and smiles.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

greetings from the White House.

Look what Baby C got in the mail today!! An official welcome from the White House. Apparently if you send the White House a baby announcement they send this back.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

3 months.

I took Baby C's 3 month pics the other day (2 weeks late).

He wasn't really into it like he usually  is. He was more into eating the number on his onesie.

He slobbered all over it and crumpled it with his sweaty paws, so that was the end of that!

Friday, August 5, 2011

sleeping beauties.

I love taking pictures of Mr and Baby C napping together. They look so sweet and peaceful, it makes my heart also means I get a break to do very important things like paint my toenails and stalk people on Facebook.

First nap together...

Yay for daddy/son naps!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

my boys.

Mr. and I have been together for 2 years, married for 9 months. Baby C was born on 4/22/11.We moved to North Carolina from Washington 7 months ago for Mr.'s job. We left all of my family, [boo] but joined all of his [yay]. I'm a stay at home mom. We have a cat and a dog. This is our life.